Tuesday 3 April 2018

Control | Shrink Tales

I was somehow feeling lighter than usual when i set out for therapy on Tuesday. Bombay was getting hotter. My yearning for home and rain was at the back of my mind but was not eating me like it usually does.

Ish said that it just came as a natural choice to her to pick on the subject of my fish curry from the notes from the previous session. She said that that was perhaps the first time i had mentioned food at all. It was true. In all relationships there comes a point where i decide to disclose my vulnerability regarding food and it looked as if that one line in my writing was that in my therapy sessions. That's quite an achievement, i guess, given that i told my partner about it just last year, almost three years into our relationship.

I felt good that Ish disagreed with her about pushing me towards doing something about my unhealthy support systems like smoking and not eating. It could have the opposite effect, she said and i was like 'on your face,' to her in my head. But then i also knew that in the end she would be right. 

We spoke a lot about control.I had not realised that it was an important part of my relationships with people and things. I always considered it as having something to do with sex all the time. Sexual abuse. For instance, when Ish was saying that for me, the peak point for all relationships was - i completed the sentence with sex. But she was going to say control. For me, the peak point was when i consented (or not consented to sex and it was coerced out of me) to sex. But in fact, it was not sex i was consenting to, it was control over me or my body. Because in most of my relationships, the sex part of it was abuse.

This perspective on relationships made me feel better. It is the relief that i know something  about myself so it will help me make better judgements. For me, that is the best part of therapy - these joining of dots that will give me a clearer picture. The good thing is that, unlike when she shows me the whole picture all naked in front of me, i don't feel defeated. Or figured out by Ish. It feels like figuring out for yourself and that consoles me.

She asked me to think of instances where i had lost control with substance abuse. It was then that i remembered that the first time i drank in my life, i ended up having sex with my female friend from college. That was something i had no intention of doing. Ish linked this fear of losing control with Father's alcoholism. It was true. I grew up as a child who wanted to avoid losing control like that at any cost. Father behaved differently when he was under the influence of alcohol. Even after his death, i saw that his brothers were alcoholic and they turned rude and impolite to Appan when they were drunk. They were all different people when they were drunk. I remember making a pact with my only male cousin. That he wouldn't drink or smoke when he grew up. He in turn asked me the same question. It was kind of feminist for a boy of that age and time. In the end, i do believe i started smoking and drinking before he did. The first cigarettes i stole was from his own father.

Thinking about losing control, i also remembered the humiliating experience with Aalayam, my ex editor, one of the accused in one of my complaints of sexual harassment. I felt bad for him because people, especially men considered him unworthy of my attention or love. That naturally led me to take him under my wing and openly feed him love. But as is the case with a lot of men who interact with me, he took it as permission to approach me for sex. I just couldn't think of him in that manner but he persisted despite my repeated 'no's' In the end, it was when i got drunk that i decided to let him have whatever he needed from my body. It was horrible and humiliating, is what i told Ish regarding that.

So in all relationships, that is, in all people i loved, i considered giving control to them as the epitome of love. So it was with Sister. With Appan. It's when i shook myself out of Sister's control that our problems started. I started noticing things that i couldn't agree with. My 3.5 years long relationship with Jay, of course, i agreed to have sex with him without even him approaching because i was sure that that was the relationship that was going to work for me so i might as well finish off with the initiation ceremony. He had control over my family.

Now when it comes to my partner, it changes for me. Here, i made a choice. Refraining to do things that will hurt him is one of the things i do for him. I don't see it as control. I see it as love. I would anyway do it because i loved him. He would do the same for me. Even if he doesn't, my love has to be superior in that way. Each one in the relationship should get the best possible format of love.

What about food? If i continue in this manner, did my food problem start first or abuse? Ish thinks it is food. I do too. So it could be that i identified food as the cause for the fat shaming that was done to me. So me giving control to food was me taking my relationship with it to the peak point so that food will leave me alone and treat me properly. Like when i had fish and rice and felt absolutely awesome about it, the same night, i let it control me. Gobbling up some pieces and rice before i threw it.

During the week, I read an article about quitting drinking by an alcoholic. The writer tries to find out if quitting had made any of the writers write poor writing. Then I remembered ish asking me about the fat me. :-( felt sad. Imagined fat me in school etc. The article was really good and when inji saw that I had shared it, she told me that it was keeping me in mind that she posted that in malayee feminist reading group. 

Jay called. He said he was going to have a baby. I cried. I don't think I was sad. I was amazed and overwhelmed, felt as if something was happening in my life. I was happy and worried at the same time. Worried because from the conversation I realized he hasn't changed a bit. Recently I had looked at his photos and had felt that he was smoking weed a lot. Thought about addiction genes being passed on. 

Sister said really hurting things. But because ish had told me that it was not going to work without her reciprocation, I think maybe the mind did not blame myself for it. I asked her why she hated me so much. Asked where the hatred came from. 

Covering events in Bombay is giving new experiences. I still hate the place though.

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